Life on the 35



Theres nothing quite like the feeling of a boar hunt.

The andrenaline rush when you track a big cunt.

Watching the dogs work noses to the ground.

Standing ever so quietly listening for sound.

Then all of a sudden a blow & a grunt.

Somehow my pups have found & stopped this old cunt.

With one high pitch scream i knew it was on.

Out of breath trying to get there before something goes wrong.

Trying to find a game trail through thinings blackberry & gorse.

On top of rugged terrain & steep gullies of course.

Im not far now i can hear the loud breathing.

When i look in the drain everythings steaming.

My thoughts was slide down & back up the pack.

But i was still tired & struggling to get my breath back.

I weigh up my options slide down & aim for the tail.

But its been yanked off that plans a fail.

So i muster my last ounce of energy & grab hes front leg.

And make the big boar flip on to his head.

I sink my knee into his guts & reach for my knife.

And thank this big boar for giving his life.

Poems Dedicated to the late Paul Johnson thanks for teaching us 35 way of life.💙