Happy Hunting

It was still dark when we left home to go hunting. It was daylight by the time we got to the right spot. We had six dogs Jazz, Jax, Jess, Pip, Tom and Dawn. Jazz and Tom are my dogs. Jazz is really young and Tom is really old but they love chasing pigs.

Patric and Zara with their fat as Poaka

The first one we caught was down a little steep bit in the bush. All the dogs were holding it and our friend Paige stuck it, but it was still alive, so Finn had to finish it off by stabbing it again and again.

It wasn’t that far along and we heard squealing. We saw the dogs on the tracking collars. Pip and Jess were first to the boar. I beat Dad and the others. The dogs were holding on to the ear, legs and the puppy Dawn had its tail. It wasn’t squealing that much anymore. Dad gave me his knife so I ran to the pig. Jazz was right in the way so I had to push her over a bit. Then I stuck it right in the heart. It was still moving for a bit.

The third pig we got was way down in the trees. It was squealing like a big pig but it was only a little sow. Finn beat me but I got to stick it with Dad’s knife again.

We ran down through the river and the cutty grass cut my hands up. It was fun sliding down the slip. Then I had to wash my hands in the river because there was blood everywhere on my head and hands from the pig and my cuts!

We didn’t get any massive pigs and I got wet but I had lots of fun today. I can’t wait to go hunting again.


Patrick Trafford, aged 6